Thursday, April 30, 2009 5:10:00 PM


WUAKAKAKAKAA. Crazeh deh. Abis IPA udah dehhh pasrah deh bowwwww. God bless me aja deh.
TARGET FOR MY GPA: 8 or better: more

   So after school, I went to PS with my friends. And watched . . . .Watchmen. Gosh, Dr.Manhattan is so crazeh, the story is kind of absurd and impossible. But the gang is so cool. Like cool cool gitu. HAHAHA. So ew. The mars part, ewew. Rorscharchh or what the hell is his name is better with his mask. HAHA. And Silk Spectre is a bitch. (wetsssss)

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. But I have drama practice. Sooooo...I don't know.

BTW San Fransisco Dreaming - Global DJ's is super top. My all-time fav song (Y)(Y)

Monday, April 27, 2009 12:31:00 PM

1st DAY :-)
SOOO today's test is Bahasa Indonesia. Well, it's not that easy actually. I think I'm kind of get 7 or 8. Shitty, yesterday's one-whole-day studying is not that worth it T.T !! On Sunday, I studied all day, like from 12pm until 7pm. Insanely tired, my eyes were heavy,  I answered almost 1 book of Cara Mudah Menghadapi Ujian Nasional/Bahasa Indonesia. But it helped me like a lot. I got better 'range of knowledge' after that. wadeheeee

I ought to be studying, yet another reason to procrastinate. It's all because I forgot to bring home my book Kupas Hapis 4 Mata Pelajaran UAN. That's my only source for tomorrow's test Bahasa Inggris. I'm supposed to be studying right now. For Math or Science. I have to nyicil

So today I finished the test at 10. And went straight to home. Feels so nice to be at home at this kind of time. 

YES! MU 5-2 won over Tottenham on Saturday. Woohoo!!! Speaking of woohoo, it reminds me of The Sims 2. HAHA. funnyfunny *_*

HAHAHA iya dong del. my iPod's the best (pede) : M.I.A. - Paper Planes enak abis bow. (Y)

Leisure time is the best. But recently, I haven't got any. Well, I have it. Like what I' doing right now. But, it's just not good for me. It felt so wrong to waste your study time like this, and regret it later. I used to do that. Well, I often. I regret it when sometimes on Sunday night, I wonder why I have to sleep like so early, sleep late seems a lot better, like why waste an hour or two in a day to do nothing like sleep. And a day later, I woke up at 6 am with heavy eyes, like so so tired because I have only sleep in 4-5 hours.

Blah. Too much talking.

I'm so bored. I've nothing to do. Yeah, I'm procrastinating. But what the hell. Soon I'll get my book back, and back to 'study mode on'. So random, yet so boring. My sister is sleeping, my mom is away. Lack of activity. No The Sims 2. No partner to play Monopoly or Snakes and Ladders-ing. HAHAHAHA. Let's just laugh.

"I live to laugh, and laugh to live."

"An optimist laughs to forget, a pessimist forgets to laugh"

Found that in Google. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:46:00 PM

Soooo these 2 days: me ica naila and cindy took a tuition/lesson for UAN in ica's recommended place. it called SINERGI (with motto: 1+1=3. wadeheee) the teachers are so cool. a little promotion is okay here. they are called laora, suken and asenk (bentar doang). well, this lesson kind of help me in some topics like Cahaya on Physics and also in Math and Biology. The place in on a small building (on 3rd or 4th floor). the 1st floor is my favourite because they sell food. fried rice=the best.

So it's so seru (in ica's house), because...............we made a WRMC club characters in The Sims 2. (wkwkwk the 'other detail' is cencored. wkwkwk you know what i mean). food in ica's house are all delicious. thanks icaaaa. i'm so full man.


masa ya senin udah UAN lohhhhh. keren ya!! bahasa indonesia!!

btw, lagu Love Sex Magic di music gua kok beda gitu ya. sok remix remix gajadi gitu -.-

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:28:00 PM

I'm longing for many things. So many things. Especially gadgets. I'm kind of lack of gadget(s). Well, not that much. I think I'm not really grateful enough with my current things. Fffff. 

*I changed my layout (again!). 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 9:02:00 PM

Man, I'm a total slacker. I got home @ 5. And I went sleep straight. Woke up @ 6:30. Then take a shower until 7. And now I'm studying Science from 7:30. And I'm not concentrated enough w/ Science because of Facebook. (sorry for my bad grammar. I'm not English A). Hmm nice. 

Yea rite. 

*I'm not the one who wrote that, I got it from a website. HEHE. 

Monday, April 20, 2009 5:02:00 PM

I feel like 'shame on me' right now. It's like sooooo pathetic. Well, this is about one thing. But I won't tell :-x HEHE. I just tell u about the second thing: next week is UAN, and instead of flipping on my UAN book (YEA I did that just for 15 minutes today), I just watched a whole CD of 90210; ran, come on!! Okay, maybe all of this is just a bullshit. I write this and that, like 'in another 5 minutes, I will review on my blah blah blah. Sometimes I think that it's just a complete bullshit. Or am I just talking bullshit all over? Whatever -.- I'm kind of up to bad things lately. And it sucks, because I will regret it on the future :-)

GOSH, Bahasa Indonesia is not that easy, man. I got 5 on my last tryout, which means the last tryout? Or is it the last 2 tryout? And specifically a week before the D-Day (UAN!!). OmyGod!! So now 3 subjects are killing me. It's so hard T_T But my friend said that the UAN questions itself would not be as hard as the tryout. Science's biology is so lame. Memorize this and that.

GUA BELOM BELAJAR HARI INI. Gua ngerasa sangat bego banget karena most of my friend tuh les semuaaaaaaaaa. I'm dead.

Thursday, April 16, 2009 7:14:00 PM

Ronaldo is the best. 30-yard goal on the top corner. What a blast!!~~

Yayy, I cannot wait for the Semi-final on 29/4: MU vs Arsenal.
I love soccer match(es) so some of u may not interesting. HEHEHE kidding.


Monday, April 13, 2009 10:42:00 PM

ETSS SEMUA: Gua mimpi ketemu Ty Collins lhooo. maksudnya Adam Gregory. Silahkan research di Google~ ternyata ganteng abis ya gila!! Gua liat2 dulu pas belom suka jelek jelelk aneh gitu terus pas nonton seriesnya ternyata gantengnya parah! Woohoo men ganteng banget. Mimpinya berasa beneran gitu lagi (ngarep).

OKE. btw sekarang gua lagi belajar SCIENCE BUAT TRYOUT BESOK. tapi ngga selse2 gara2 gua males banget belajar tentang tuas katrol wtf itu yg tentang pesawat sederhana. BIOLOGI gua belom belajar semuanya. but overall udah. jadi tinggal dikit lagi sih cuman gua mo refreshing gara2 gua udh dari jam 6 ga stop stop belajar. Gua bahkan skip makan!

Ini post paling ngga niat. jadi maap

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7:23:00 PM

      Ega bought a new Macbook!! And I'm so so so jealousssss (obviously). MAN, like most of my friends own it. Me? I'll have it under one condition, and I've to pass it: NO SIX ON MY YEAR END REPORT. How cruel is that?? I want it as my birthday present but my parents would not agree with it. They are full of rules. Rules. Rules. Rules. I want it like hell, but my FOURTH-GRADER sister owned it first. Wtf? Is it like . . .weird and kind of unfair? Ha. The hell with that. I won't get 6s in my report. I promise you!! HUHUHU I want the new Macbook since a long long time ago T_T

     I think I'm going to watch the Jamiroquai concert or performance or whatever tomorrow. I don't know, my mom told me about this band Jamiroquai. I know several of the songs. But I don't know we would be watch it by tomorrow. But well . . . .at least: no school in thursday and friday. How cool is that?

     About the 3rd Mathematic's Tryout: I HOPE I GOT THE SCORE ABOVE 9. HAHAHAHA, so optimistic yet so unbelievable. Because I predict there's like 1-3 answers that are wrong (I think). But I hope I only got 1 question wrong (AMIN!!). Not so sure, but I'll pray for it. I have to beat Neta!

      ABC Extra Spicy Sardines is the best lochhh. It's so delicious. I ate it yesterday, like the whole can. And 3 portions of rice. (Y)(Y)

       Errr, I think 90210 is kind of nice. Actually, I don't really up to that kind of TV series, that has over than 1 season. But, 90210 is seru. I don't have much time, so I just watch it until the 6 or 7 episodes until this time. I always watched it on midnight, I don't have time on day time, or night time. HIHOHIHOHIHO

       Owch: UAN is nearer than you think, guysss. 20 days!! It's a little of time!! AND Science is killing me as always. Biology=memory test. I have to memorize it all. Shitty!. Physics=more complicated than math. Lots of formulas. 


      X is so cool.



Monday, April 6, 2009 7:31:00 PM

FRIDAY - GOOD FRIDAY DAY -- means no school

OVERALL: I love this week!
I love yesterday! I love that MU won over Aston Villa yesterday. Federico Macheda the 17 years old substituter saved the day yesterday. Long live MU!! Woohoo the bestttt! 3-2, at last after lose in 2 games.
ANDD I support Germany for World Cup 2010 South Africa. I always supports Germany.
I greatly thanked anyone who made Thursday into a national holiday day. I hate Thursday, whether on school time, or outside school time (piano lesson!!). But still, I have to do piano practice every night since today. Even my dad, who actually and definitely doesn't really care about my piano lesson. Well, he is. But not as much as my grandma. HUHUHUHU

At least, I don't have the piano lesson for this week :-)))))

I change my background again. I don't know. I have 3 options, but I choose this instead.

Sunday, April 5, 2009 7:32:00 PM

I'm NOT sure if it's a good karma. Bad karma is better for this. Err, I think you're still the same. I don't know either is it just me or is it true. But you know, I respect you along the way. But you're not. It's annoying. And I hate it :-))))) I write this for good, k.

=====> lanjuuuuut
WKWKWK for today, Science is killing me. The day before yesterday and yesterday, I'm in love in studying Science. I did the questions with ease.
AND yesterday is Neta's birthday. It held in Oktroy, Kemang. Well, it was cool. Woohoo: X!! But yeah, I did not even eye contact-ed X. Wkwkwkwwk shhht, too public.

   I made this South Park's character, actually i made it couple days ago, but I keep procrastinating so I post it nowwww~

     My sister made it first, she showed the website so I made'em. (BTW. SHE told me to write this. gosh, just chill -.-)

Friday, April 3, 2009 7:51:00 PM

This is kind of randommmm and not really me. 

ZZZZZZZZ. lame lame lame. super lame
I'm pissed w/ something, but i cannot spill it to anybody. So i just post my feeling here in my blog. i cannot explain. The reason is too 'me', i mean my perspective would be different from you, and it's gonna be so complicated and also . . .lame. Great. U've pissed me out. :-) WKWKWK diary mode on.


SO today is fridayyy and i feel so sleepy today, the subjects are not that seru. Btwww, I have a LOT of drafts (draft of posts. . .but i don't have the guts to post it wkwkwk). AND, man, about Neta's bday party tomorrow. Be ready nih my outfit would be 100% different from my usual gembel outfit. Thanksss to Ica and Naila :-)))) they helped me find a good outfit. Such a great time!

BTW I miss:
Year 7, and Year 8 time. I know it's a bit of 'apa sih' or what tapi I miss these 2 years wehueuheuhe. Soalnya seru seru gitu deh.

Gua ngga pernah ada ending di setiap post. jadi hari ini mo napsu:

auf wiedersehen. (bahasa apaaaa lg ni)
au revoir!!


Hey there, fellas. Um, you can call me rani for the nick name.
I'm 16 now and living as a normal teenager.
I live in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I read novels&comics.
I love to watch soccer games <3


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