Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:28:00 PM
things i really want to buy

       Gila ni gua pengen banget beli sesuatu, karena emg dari kemarin gua jarang beli-beli, kecuali ya makan tapi selain itu kyknya jaraaaaang banget. Even kyk yang murah-murah kayak dvd (bajakan tetep) atau apa kek stationery2 gitu. Dan karena itu gua minggu depan pengen beli beberapa barang gitu, dan yang paling banyak dari daftar yang harus gua beli itu BUKUUUUU. oh shit men gua pengen banget beli buku gitu, terakhir gua beli buku kyknya 2-3 minggu lalu. Gua udah ada 3 buku yang gua waiting list sejak udah lama. 1. It Girl #7 INFAMOUS! 2. The Clique #2 {kalo ini emg kesalahan gua terlambat beli buku setenar The Clique. gapapa lah emang baru suka skrg}. 3. Wicked!! {Pretty Little Liars #5}. Gila ya ega sm tiffany curangnya udah kayak apa udah beli di spore, terus HARDCOVER. Serius gua iri banget karena gua dr kemarin bosen banget ngga ada kerjaan, mau baca Tempted yang tinggal beberapa bab lagi kayaknya mesti beli Infamous dulu supaya baca Temptednya napsu gitu soalnya buru2 pengen baca Infamous. Wakakakak bodo lah norak tapi emang kyk gitu sih gua. Dari kemarin gua bacanya malah komik2 yang udah dibaca tapi udah lupa ceritanya gitu. 

        Terus barang-barang yang pengen gua beli selain buku itu baju lah. Maksudnya bukan kaos doang gitu tapi gua pengen eksperimen baju gitu deh, soalnya liat-liat dari gaya gua dari dulu, kayaknya baju yang sering gua pake {selalu deng} kayaknya KAOS terus deh. terus gua miskin baju jadi kadang sering banget pake kaos yang itu-itu aja. Majalah langganan gua udh dateng gitu terus gua liat baju-baju bagus gitu terus gua cek lemari gua kyknya 85% dari lemari gua kaos doang semua. nggak ada yang kyk. . . . semuanya lah selain kaos. gua pengen make gitu eksperimen style yang bukan 'gua' tapi nanti disangka ikut2an siapa kek gua nggak suka lah. tapi gapapa lah gua pengen eksperimen2 gitu kalo jelek ya tinggal tunggu kritik aja deh. Ckckck kasian banget ya gua

        Terus apalagi yaaa. Oh iya! gua pengen beli dvd-dvd gitu. Gua pengen nonton TV series tapi yang komedi-komedi gitu. soalnya ive tried kyk gossip girl atau apa gitu lupa gua kyknya nggak tertarik loh. tapi emang gua jujur nggak terlalu tertarik ama gossip girl wkwkwk aneh ya gua. terus gua tertariknya ke yang kartun2 gitu lagi, kayak The Simpsons ato ga Family Guy, soalnya kan gua sukanya komedi2 kyk gitu. wakakakaka gua lmyn penasaran si yg kyk 90210, The O.C gitu2 tapi nanti aja deh, gua sbnrnya nggak terlalu tertarik tapi jujur lama-lama penasaran gitu ckckck. kalau nggak suka ya yaudah nggak usah.

     Satu hal yang engga common bgt yaitu gua pengen beli novel indonesia lagi deh. kemarin gua ke gramedia terus liat2 novel indonesia gitu wakakaka. tapi emagn dari dulu gua suka baca novel indonesia si, ini kan gara-gara skrg byk novel2 luar negeri yang seru banget jadi lupa baca novel indonesia wkwkwkw.

     Gua nggak sabar 2009 karena 2009 byk film bagus gitu deh wakakka. gua liat trailer2 di websitenya Apple terus gua liat release datenya 2009 semuaaa. cih ngga seru. LAH tapi emang bentar lagi 2009 kan ran . . .ckckck 3 more days and byebye 2008 T_T

Oke deh. nggak tau deh gua mo ngomongin apa lagi. ini gua lagi bosen jadi gua tulis aja.
one thing for sure: gua males ol.

Thursday, December 25, 2008 7:37:00 PM

Oke gua bete dan super bosen. akhirnya gua iseng buka fs dan milih random satu Bulletin Board jadi gua copypaste 

1.Tentang hari ini?
merry christmas! wkwk
2.tanggal lahir kamu?
18 juni
3 tempat terakhir kamu minum kopi kapan?
not interested to coffee wkwkwk
4. uang terakhir yg kamu keluarin hari ini?
beli popcorn ehehe
5. tempat yang kamu pengen kunjungi?
6. hal terakhir yg kamu lakukan sebelum ini?
browsing dan makan
7. minuman terakhir yg diminum?
air putih
8. terakhir pergi sama siapa?
9. terakhir nonton film apa?dmn?
quarantine. di ps
10. cowok/cewek terakhir yang ngomong ama kamu di chat?
hmm neta kalo ngga salah
11. teman yang terakhir pergi sama kamu ke sekolah?
banyak lah
12. orang terakhir yang kasih kamu testi?
di fs? naila
13. orang yang kamu pengen temui akhir2 ini?
banyakkk. pada kemana sih ni liburan
14. orang terakhir yg SMS kamu?
lupa dong
15. orang terakhir yg teleponan ma kamu?
16. baju yang terakhir kamu pake sblm ini?
17. snack terakhir yang kamu makan?
apa ya lupa namanya
18. Lagu terakhir yang kamu dengerin?
like whoa-aly&aj
19. acara tv yang terakhir kamu tonton?
lupa dong
20. game terakhir yang kamu mainin?
PET SOCIETY (napsu dikit)
21 majalah yang terakhir kamu baca?
22. film yang pengen kamu tonton?
apa ya banyak si
23. Belakangan ini sering mikirin apaan?
24. Apa yang semestinya kamu lakukan sekarang ini?
liburan yg seru dan bertemu teman2.....-.-
25. Apa yang bikin kamu seneng akhir2 ini?
paw points pet society naik wkwkwk seriously
26. Sekarang lagi pengen minta apa?
minta yg diinginkan
27. Kalo sekarang lo disuruh milih antara duit atau pacar?
apa aja deh
28. Hal yang lo benci saat ini?
bangun telat mulu ckck
29. Siapa yang terakhir kali sms?
lupa dong
30. Isinya?
31. Kebiasaan lo akhir pekan?
palingan tidur. kalo minggu berenang dong wkwkwk
32. Hari ini ngapain aja?
nonton makan dll
33. Ingin jalan2 kemana?
kemana aja deh
34. Lo punya kembaran?
35. Barusan mikir apa?
36. Knapa mikir itu?
37. Lo punya phobia apa?
38. Punya gebetan? Namanya?
seriously no. hahaha but not really sure though
39. Nasehat terakhir yang lo dapet?
lupa dong
40. Bakal lo turutin nggak?

12:50:00 AM

& Happy New Year 2009

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 1:02:00 AM
cool is cool. but still the owner is cooler

Meet my pet, Cool :-D

Wkwk, I'm not that rich y'know *_*

Shit it's blurry T_T

Monday, December 22, 2008 11:29:00 PM

{Bahasa indonesia aja ya bahasa inggris capek mikir. wkwk canda}

Lama-lama gua bisa gila nih, tiap hari kerjanya main Pet Society berjam-jam ampe mata gua panas banget rasanya gara-gara ngga kmana2 dan ga ada kerjaan. ngga modal bgt lagi pake komp orang lain gara2 komputer punya sendiri lemot parah. Gua pengen banget jadi #1 rank di rank board gua tapi rank #1 di punya gua aja scorenya 118ribu--promosi punya orang--sedangkan gua masih 20ribu. ckckck ampe tua kali, tapi gua hampir ngejar adek gua ni wehehehehe asik abis. terus gua pengen banget-bangetan rumah gua furniturenya bagus-bagus gitu dari luxury semua tapi apa kadarnya duit gua bokek gara2 baru beli2 lagi. ga bokek2 juga si tapi irit2 lah mo beli tempat tidur dari luxury seharga 12ribu (mamfuz bokek). 

DAN besok gua mo nonton film gt namanya Quarantine. au deh seru apa ngga tapi trailernya seru seru gitu. kan gua emang suka film2 thriller ngagetin serem2 gt, tapi ini bukan film horor tapi kyk film ngagetin seru2 gt. semacam action tapi ada zombie2nya dikit wkwkwkwk. wey bosen banget ga sih liburan ngga kmana-kmana T_T. untung ada pet society. . . . . sama Geo Challenge! hahahaha untung ngga ada yg pernah ngeliat gua main itu. Napsu parah. ampe sok sok konsentrasi terus sekalinya salah mulai dari awal lagi. Nggak mau tau harus nyampe lebih dari Tiffany! ehehehehe gua lagi race ama tiffany wkwkwk tapi gua lagi kalah ni skrg. nanti aja deh balapinnya, gua mo pet society dulu wkwkwk.

WKWKWK. seru bgt nulis 'WKWKWKWK'. gua jadi sering gt nulis wkwkw soalnya enak. hahaha WKWK tuh pronounce-nya 'wek-wek-wek' atau 'waka-waka-waka' sih. waktu itu gua ngomong 'wek-wek-wek' depan janice soalnya dari dulu gua emg pronouncenya kyk gitu kan. terus janicenya bilang gt 'loh bukannya itu artinya 'waka-waka-waka' ya' wahuahuha ngga tau deh tapi gua sih tetep ngomongnya WEK-WEK-WEK. oke deh ini ngga penting banget serius.

Oke deh. udh ngga tau mo ngomongin apa. ini bikin postnya lagi lumayan ngga niat nih. ckck
See yaaaa

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:14:00 PM
yesterday was fun. today is a typical kind of day.

     I bought the book The Clique first book yesterday (finally) and I've finished it today morning 8-D Well, it's not that fair because I've seen the movie before, it's not surprising enough. But it's good to know that I finally started to read The Clique the series (not because I'm norak), because I'm not really interested to read it before, not until I watched the movie!! Wkwk. Hmm, the movie is great, but the ending is not. . . yea you watch it by yourself. I'm not gonna tell. Can't wait to buy the second book 
8-D I know it's a little bit 'too late' for me but who cares, my current unfinished book 'Tempted' is quite boring so I think I should buy other interesting book(s). Hhe 

This morning, I went to my dad's office, well I didn't do any necessary thing. Went back home at 3.30 pm. Hoahm.

Soooo, yesterday I went to Plaza Indonesia with Ica and Naila. Haha, it was fun, though. We gossiped a lot (wkwk). We stayed at Starbucks for several hours, because we didn't know where should we go next, so we decided to go there. Hahaha, then I went home around 5 pm because my mom already came 1 hour earlier. Haha, I'll tell you the rest of the story later 8-D

Urgh, I reaaaaally want to finish the GTO series, but my internet is not in the 'compromise' situation. So I guess I have to postponed it again for the second time. 

Okay I'm not in the mood for writing. 
I'm in the mood of Geo Challenge-ing and Pet Society-ing. Woohoo!
(Sadly I have to use my bro's computer to play these games, because here my internet is soooo lame and slow)

BTW, I achieved one of my goal(s) 8-D Check it out at my previous post! The crossed out one (haha)

Thursday, December 11, 2008 11:58:00 PM
realityyyy bites

     Gila men hari ini malesin banget. gua ada 2 les sekaligus gt, well 2-2nya related sama piano sih. satunya ujian teori gt (which is gua ga yakin lulus apa kagak soalnya gua ga ngikutin teorinya) sama les piano yg bahannya super banyak. oke gua sibuk banget hari ini ngurusin slip Project Week adek gua, dan ngurusin les gua juga blablabla. ga penting banget ga sih baru mulai liburan gua udah dibanjiri sama les kyk gini. yaaa ada bagusnya juga sih gua ada kerjaan, walaupun kerjaannya itu adalah belajar piano tiap malem. ha-ha-. 'seru' banget ga sih. gua bener-bener nga kmana-mana gt seminggu ini. ngga ke mal. ngga kerumah temen. ngga jalan-jalan. wkwk soalnya orgtua gua juga ga ada sih gua juga males kmana2.

we skrg udah hari jumat tepatnya pukul 12:03 am tapi pas ditulisnya pasti tetep hari kamis soalnya gua gnepostnya 2 menit sebelum hari jumat wuakakaka. hari ini gua rencananya berenang dong biar tinggi 8-D gua harus rajin2 nih. wkwkwwk. gua ga sabar nih minggu depannnnn gua udh FREE soalnya!! hari senin ngga sih ada audisi piano juga -.- huhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhu internet gua semakin lama aja nih. minggu depan gua mesti nonton GTO ampe pagi buta. gua mesti selsein Tempted!! 

kemarin ama hari ini adek gua tidur di kamar gua gt. trs biasa lah gua kyk sering2 ribut gt ttg masalah sepele doang. wahuahuahuha normal lah. aduh bosen nihhhhh ga ada yg ol sih--ada sih wakakkaa--. ckck knp ya gua merana kyk gini. pengen main2 deh gua wakakak tapi gau hari ini mo lemburrrrr <3

omg gua takut bgt ujian piano T_TT_T im afraid gua blm siap2 gt. huhuhuhu 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 3:35:00 PM
apa lagi ni mimpi

     I really not in the mood to go somewhere else beside my home. I really need my relax time. My reading time. My private time. Well . . .despite that my parents are off now, I have to take care of my little sister(s). Umm, not that much but I also have to take care of the grocery money or my driver's salary blablabla. It's not that hard but it'll definitely distract my private time. Tsk! My internet is suck! It was like on, and then suddenly off. On-off-on-off. Hhh, it's also slower than before . .

    BUT, I want to go somewhere else, too!!! (loh). Well, depends on my mood. I want to buy books!! or hang out with my friendssss. But I always feels sleepy currently *.*

   By the wayyy, I woke up at 11 am today and I have a horrible plus unexpected dream last night. I was like in a evacuation or something related to it, me and several of friends were supposed to go to a save place, well this is quite random: we were evacuated to . . .Egypt (okay, very random), we actually used a huge plane to go there and when we got there, we went straight to the airport and suddenly we entered a cozy cafe -___- It's more interesting than you think because we actually met the Egypt people there, even when we were in the toilet, we met and even talked to them! Very crazeh -_-" But the condition was different there. It's like the evacuation is regarding to bad things, like there will be bad things happen to Jakarta. Oh yeah, before we entered the plane, we were like inside a car (i think it's like the old kijang. wew more random) and we supposed to crossed a river and we're like using that car to cross. We all like screaming "Ha nanti tenggelem nanti tenggelem" and unexpectedly there was an unknown man sitting infront of me said "Aduh nggak bakal tenggelem lah tenang aja." But it's true, we weren't drown or something, we actually made it to the end of the river. But . . .wtf man. What kind of dream was that? It's like not related to my recent surrounding, because dreams actually somekind of reflection of our daily life or something that happened currently. But it's scary, though. What I feel inside that dream is like so real, it's not like a dream, like I felt the same way as I feel now. 

    Okay ran. It's just a dream. Tae nih internet gua apaan sih, lama banget deh -_-". This post was actually written in 3pm today. But I posted the next day, which is now . . .1 am on Wednesday. Wakakakaka

     Maybe I have to sleep now. Hoahm!

Sunday, December 7, 2008 1:42:00 PM


Hey peeps,
I have several goals to achieve for this holiday:
a. finish the Great Teacher Onizuka series!
b. reach 160-165 cm
c. finish Tempted
d. i really want to buy The Clique *_* so tempting
e. cut my bangs
f. never missed any MU soccer matches
g. go somewhere else beside jakarta
h. sleepover!!
i. watch new great movies
j. sleep all day long, wkwkwk
k. achieve all these goals 8-D


Friday, December 5, 2008 7:10:00 PM
my fatherrrrr wkwk

     I cannot believe that I'm 14 now. I'm not a child anymore. Well, I used to be, and I'm in a process to not used to be one of them. I have more responsibilities every year, haha, everyday. That's why my father always tells me. To be independent, and to be ready for my future. That's why he always reminds me to read newspapers every morning, to fulfill my knowledge skill. And yeah I did read it. 3-4 years from now, I'll be in university, which is not an easy thing. He said that by several years from now, I will face a competitive life, um, i mean world. My father is an an entrepreneur, he always surrounded by business stuff or economic thing I'm not even interested with. That's why he OFTEN talks about something related to business blablabla. He even discussed the America's economic crisis until the detail part of them, he told me and my siblings about the past and also the childhood of Barack Obama and he even invited me to his office couple years ago so later I'm going to be ready to take part of a community of that kind of thing, I will be ready and not 'lost' and shock in my work. Ha-ha. Well, that's my father. He's strict, discipline but fair. He tries to be more patient, though. And he is in a hajj pilgrim now (or whatever it is, I don't know the english of naik haji). Haha, he told me to not to be a procrastinator person. Butttt, it's hard to not to be one of' them.

Haha. I'm bored. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008 9:04:00 PM
holy-day. i mean holidayyyy

    At lastttttt! holiday is coming! wuehe seru abis ga sih bentar lagi libur *o*. Tapi sama sih gua, ada les piano gua tapi terakhir minggu depan juga sih. Wuehehe bagus lah, liburan sih gua ngga kemana-mana. Home sweeeet home, yang pasti gua kerjaannya pas liburan: tidur, nonton, tidur, nonton bola, MAKAN. Wuakakaka asalkan bisa tidur lama aja gua udah puas kok. Biasanya kan kalo sekolah gua bangun merana banget. I've used the opinion from every magazine to sleep at least 8 hours everyday. But it doesnt quite work for me. Wkwkwk makanya nih liburan! Sleep all day loooong *o* asikasik

Jasper Haleeeeeee!! You definitely must know him. Well, he's one of the character from Twilight. You probably had seen the movie. Haha, based on what my friends did, Twilight is like soo addictive. But actually not really for me. I really love the baseball scene (with its Muse music for the background. Cool!). Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale) is sooo adorable+handsome. Tapi gua sih lukas podolski selalu sih. Emang paling ganteng, eaaaa.

Today is the last day for the examination week. IT nih tai banget, gua dapet komputer bobrok gitu jadi kalo di Save ngga bisa jadinya gua bikin ampe berkali-kali dan ampe kelupaan bikin sketch di kertasnya itu. Riiiiiiight, gua failed lah lama-lama. Padahal gua yg pertama Visual Basicnya bagus gitu tapi ke close gara-gara komputer bobrok. Kesel lah gua. Bodo lah IT doang, kayaknya engga penting buat GPA juga. Yang penting insyaAllah yang lain dapet bagus T_T amin amin

Tomorrow is locker day. I have to take all my things from the locker. Malessss T_T gua rada ngaret aja deh ngapain pagi-pagi. Wkwkwkwk. Tapi gua mesti nerusin African Doll nih. Shitty shit. Yaudah deh gapapa.

BTWBTW. Internet kamar gua udah nyalaaaaaa *o* seneng abis gua. Kan dari hari Sabtu kemarin internet gua mati, jadi gua kalo ol di komputer bawah. Terus setelah sekian lama engga cek, gua liat internetnya udah nyala gitu. Seneng abis T_T

Wkwk, seems like I'm addicted to Msn. Wkwkwkwk it started from that 'incident'. The unforgettable detention until nowww. Okay, past is past. Present is present.

I'm boooored.
See ya guys later.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 8:52:00 PM

While the others have today as the best day for these 2 weeks (because all hard examination was finally ended), I have today as the worst day so far T_T i really really not in the mood. fuck the examination. I really dont care if today is finally the end of our hardwork. but im surely appreciate your idea ofcourse. Okay, this morning, my parents finally goes to mecca to do a hajj pilgrim or whatever it said. aaa ill miss them badly. Well . . . actually its just for 2 weeks but yeahhh. T_T . . . .
. . . .anddd yeah about the 'worst' thing. I really really super extremely hate my fckn driver. He made all of this shitty conflict thing. He didnt pick me up quickly and on time (5pm you SOAB) from janice's apartment and ended that im going home late. Well, 8pm for my weekend curfew is actually very late. With soktau-ly, he said that jnc's apt is located in lebak bulus, but its actually located in sudirman. wew man, how far is that?? and my grandma (in spore. quite strict and lives one roof with me) called from spore (niat abis) and said that 'masa orangtua baru pergi sehari udah langsung keluyuran main2 ampe malem.' padahal jelas2 gua latihan dance di apt janice. Terus jelas2 gua harusnya pulang dari jam 5an. kan harusnya yg disalahin supirnya. TAPI gobloknya gua lupa bilang kalo supir gua terlambat jemput, tapi kesel ga sih disalahin-disalahin gitu. Gua ksel parah nih, nanti dikira gua anak durhaka2 gitu lagi. Huhuhu, well at least its not the fact!!
Done. I really hate this day, actually i didnt write all of the conflict because its too complicated. tau ah -_____-"


Hey there, fellas. Um, you can call me rani for the nick name.
I'm 16 now and living as a normal teenager.
I live in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I read novels&comics.
I love to watch soccer games <3


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