Saturday, February 21, 2009 4:07:00 PM

The freakin hairdresser cut my hair . . . . and it's TOO short. O maaan, I'm so doomed T_T
Now I look like ME back then when I was still in 7th grade and it sucks. 
Man, I look so . . . weird.
T_T T_T T_T 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 5:23:00 PM

Gila bow besok assessment Pkn&Sejarah. tapi katanya elle gampang2 gitu kebanyakan pilihan ganda tapi tetep aja boww T_T gua lagi maleeees banget buat belajar. dan banyak banget yang harus dikerjakan. apaaaa mendingan gua taro tugas2 gua disini biar gua selalu inget oke soalnya gua tiap hari cek blog. sip dahhh

1. beli buku rumus2;  >>yang pasti sih jumat
2. print logbook IT;  >>hari ini!!
3. belajar handout2 math; >>tiap hari bow
4. POTONG RAMBUT :-))) >>jumat yang pasti 

itu aja sih tapi gua udh keburu stress aja minggu depan tryout2. DAN yang lebih memaleskan lagi besok gua ada les piano 'tercinta'. ew tercinta banget deh. guling2 deh gua saking sukanya. ewewew. dan juga besok gua ada ACP dan yang pasti gua besok jadi capek2 gitu dan gua super males. bisa gila nih gua. sooooo much to do T_T dan gua orangnya pelupa jadi gitu deh. o men sekarang jam stgh 6. JAM 6: BELAJAR & NGISI TEXTBOOK SCIENCE (capslock napsu)

Byebye plurk deh. karma turun turun aja deh wkwwkwkwkw. DANNNN gua baru nyadar post post gua tuh ngebosenin dan 3/4nya tentang gua 'lagi bosen' semua. spesial abis deh.

BTW: I got Infamous <33>

Monday, February 16, 2009 5:56:00 PM
bosen bowww

yea in fact, YOU are so sweet.
while in the other hand you are such an ignorant person.
andddd I donttttt careeeeee because it's just nottttt worth itttttttttttt. 

oke men assessment English gua belom selse2 dari 2 jam yang lalu. rada susah sih emang bikin essay gitu tentang compare and contrast. tapi males banget ga sih -.- linushitz. oke behel bawah gua dipasang sabtu kemarin dan gua mulai merana lagi makan yang keras2 yang most of them adalah makanan kesukaan gua, contohnya buritto itu lah. gila men gua banyak banget yang mesti dipelajarin. dari science yang topiknya super bejibun sampe math. tp skrg gua lagi suka banget ama math soalnya seru2 gitu dan gua ngerti. tumben banget nih gua bisa. tapi semoga ujung2nya tryoutnya dapet bagus soalnya kemarin gua udh belajar capek2 sama aja nilainya pas-pasan. dan rata-rata nilai gua: sangat tidak memuaskan. eaaa

gua super bosen karena daritadi gua duduk didepan komputer. gua nggak sempet mengurus Plurk gua karena gua terlalu banyak tugas. biarkanlah karmanya turun yang penting sekolah jalan (bullshit banget sok rajin).

oke men gua lanjut english dulu.
see yaaaa

Monday, February 9, 2009 7:55:00 PM

Btw, I'm wearing braces from now on, well it's just the top part right now, the below part will be twinned on next Saturday.

Okay, I just finished working on my Science homework. For IT homework, I'm gonna ask for Mr.Ricky's help tomorrow. I'm not in the mood for doing my homework. I'll break my promise to study seriously. But that's okay for once. For the second time . . .hhh, I don't know. We'll seeee!

My teeth hurts, and the worst part is that I cannot eat! My mom asked my maid to made a mushroom soup, it was soooo delightful.

Nti, I just read your post 'ya think ya know me? read this' and specifically the no.11 part and I got the idea to put some of my favourite songs on this post from there. It's just fun to share something unnecessary . . .HA HA HA.

These are my favourite song{s}:
Hot n cold - katy perry
Just dance {club remix} - lady gaga
Sound of san fransisco - global dj's
That's not my name - the ting tings
Voices - saosin {yr.7 banget ga sih}
Shattered glass - britney spears
Screwed - paris hilton
How deep is your love - the bird and the bee
Kau yang bisa - maliq n d'essentials
Piece of me - britney spears
Dear maria - all time low
Dance floor anthem - good charlotte
Feedback remix - janet jackson feat timbaland
Party in your bedroom - cash cash
My type of song is always the best. so go check it out wkwkwkwk kiddinggggg

Maaaaaaaan, XXI's popcorn is the most delightful snack in the world. The butter is my most favourite part and it's just so tempting I cannot resist to eat one {okay lebayyyyy}. I'm so hungry. I eat less food today {so not me} beacuse of my damn teeth. It's so irritating me. The hurt are not gone yet. My friend said it'll lasts for 3 days. It's the 3rd day for me so it's suppose to the last day. Well, I hope.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 6:01:00 PM

     I'm in the mood for some movies. I mean, new movies. Like . . .Yes Man, Bride Wars, blah blah blah. But recently, I've been too busy doing my school works, my piano lesson, and tomorrow is bimbel day. Yeah. . .Valentine's Day is comiiiiiing. I'm not desperately searching for someone (X!! ha-ha-ha). I must concentrating on UAN and no one can distract me all the way. Yet I'm so frustated about my try out results. It's sooo not satisfying neither me and later. . .my parents. I totally doomed T_T I haven't check my LJ, so I don't know if there's a homework for tomorrow. Omg, I have to confront such terrible things these days, and deal with it, too. Not that bad, though.

     I hate my English teacher, named Linus. He looks like a lizard or reptile or whatever you say. He's so mean, intolerate and cruel. He's so sensitive about his students and gave so much breaches to us. Screw you phedophillia teacher. He gave me such terrible score for my quiz(zes) and it was suck. His 'famous name' is Kadal Bunting. WAKAKAKA

      O yeah. I haven't watch High School Musical 3 until nowwwww. Sooo kewl isn't it (Y). I cannot find The Clique #2, but I found Wicked, it's like about last month.

      Current favourite thing to do: Plurking :-D I'm not plurking on routine but it's such an interesting thing to do.

Sunday, February 1, 2009 7:13:00 PM
Blah blah

Monday Blues sickness!!!
I--really--hate tomorrow, which is Monday. Because I have my piano lesson tomorrow. My mother changed my piano lesson from Thursday to Monday. Fckn shit!! I hate it. It's not about the school. O man T_T Screw the piano lesson. Screw it!!!!


Hey there, fellas. Um, you can call me rani for the nick name.
I'm 16 now and living as a normal teenager.
I live in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I read novels&comics.
I love to watch soccer games <3


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