Thursday, October 30, 2008 6:57:00 PM
costume day Hey hey watcha doin, i've been through a busy week though, so i must spare my time for . . nothing. well, actually i've planned for studying math and then finishing the sketch of african doll for art. but i keep procrastinating and now here i am, didn't understand about this SOH-CAH-TOA-shit T_T huhuhu, tomorrow. promise T_T (insyaAllah deh). so, today is a Costume Day for my school. um, i choose the simple one: being a pirate. well, it's not easy to always wears the pirate-like hat (iya lah gimana sih -.-) with a picture of skull on it and also the red coat that made me hard to wear my big bag. frustating enough with those things, i must to wear a chocolate-coloured mustache--actually from hanna, thanks--. oke pas dicabut sakit abis. .naila nih gua lagi sakit-sakit tiba-tiba SRETT! Haha 'thanks a lot' nai. Hahaha canda deng. And then, i wore not-so-pirate-like shoes, which is my daily flat shoes. Ckck, i'm not going to waste my time for searching pirate's boots shoes. Haha, guess what, yesterday i spent 2-3 hours for searching this pirate costume. and the result ended up: unsatisfying. Ckck whatever lah *shit, i lost my hook! Hmm, tomorrow is . . Starvaganza! I'm curious with the Mamma Mia part. Argh, don't know what to say. Have things to do. Gotta go!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 3:23:00 PM
catastrophics!! ############### I felt even more guilty than before. I don't know but aaargh, I'm not in the mood. There's one thing disturb me a lot but I can't spill it out here. I just wanna say sorry for someone, maybe I'm not as good as you thought. Btw, I hate myself. I've been way too lazy lately. Just look at me now, I didn't study math after school (thus I promise to do it before. but result that I didn't so the study'll postponed until tomorrow). I didn't bring my Stormbreaker novel for english quiz tomorrow--totally forgot--, I just realized now that I must bring Asturo paper, and poster/flier or whatever it is, for the goddamned english also. fortunately I have several foreign magazine and can take it from there. Anjrit lah, I afraid my GPA score will going down. I keep swearing and swearing to myself that I've been so reckless & apa ya..PELUPA. Okay, hope that I can spare, or maybe take of all art subject tomorrow for reading Stormbreaker chptr 11-14. And one more thing, I have to research some image(s) for Art..anjrittt -.- Fine, school=hell. I really hate school now. I'll try my best for tomorrow. Huhuhu rasanya pengen nangis aja T_TT_T stress T_TT_T Okay, bye.
Monday, October 13, 2008 4:45:00 PM
Soccer Edition #1 Well, obviously. .for Germany supporter only 8-D(muka cool) Waiting for: 15/10: Germany vs Wales Haha, see ya
Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:40:00 PM
nghtmr Waw man, last night was a nightmare. I had a bad dream. Hm not really sih sebenernya. . .but do you guys know a movie named Texas Chainsaw Massacre (link)? The movie have 2 versions (1973&2003) and a sequel. It's a true story about a man that likes to kill and excruciating and tortured people in a sadistic way (udah lama. tahun 1970an kalo ngga salah). Shit I don;t want to remembering his face and the way he pull up his chainsaw. Man! You won't dare to type the name of the movie to Google image. Evenless, it's a true story. .nggak ditulis disana tapi di DVDnya kayaknya ada tulisannya gitu deh. Well, fortunately it happened in Texas, and at the end of the movie, there's a real video tape that taken from a decomentary from several people there that proved us that the man was exist, the video tape shows us a reporter was entering a dark and dirty room and came that freakin man (real one!) and suddenly the reporter ran or dead or I forgot lah. . tapi paling juga udah mati ya tuh psycho. terus. .OKE balik ke mimpi buruk! Iya tadi malem gua mimpi dikejar-kejar dia gitu, sebelumnya malah gua ketemu ex-guru inthum gua yang sudah meninggal = J.W. ((takut ngetiknya. jadi initialnya aja ya men)) Gile ye -___-! Settingnya kyk di tangga Binus gitu, ato ngga tau deh dimana. Terus tiba-tiba udah ada si the man with that chainsaw ngejar-ngejar. Terus gua lupa kayak gimana lagi tiba-tiba ada ular ngegigit tangan gua gitu yang entah darimana gua tau kalo itu nggak berbisa gitu, terus kan yang pasti gua mau ngelepasin gigitan ular yang ada fang-nya gitu. DAN itu tuh kerasa abis gitu men taringnya dilepas dari tangan gua udah kayak real life, sampe sakit gitu, ouch abis T_T Serem abis ngga sih -____-" haha kayaknya gua terlalu banyak nonton film sadis-sadis gitu ya. From Saw 123 and this. . The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Well, I've watched the movie already and yeah. . many deleted scene (no wonder lah) what a nightmare isn't it. Ckck... ... Bosen men. All of my family are out there and I have to go to my piano lesson tadi jam 2 sedangkan mereka bersenang-senang. fuck that lah. Yeah, my cousins were coming from last week. Well, it's for my good juga sih. Bodo lah, besok gua free!!! Haha, time to go. Gua mesti beli baju kemeja gitu deh buat. . something. & I reallyreally must tidy up my messy room. Hehehehe Okay, then. Adios
Monday, October 6, 2008 11:34:00 PM
MUST BUY!! Pretty Little Liars #5 Wicked
Sunday, October 5, 2008 11:19:00 PM
Yesterday's soccer match result (Premier League) 1. Blackburn vs Man Utd : 0-2 2. Sunderland vs Arsenal : 1-1 Hehehe iseng. EH masa ya gile abis tadi malem gua mimpi ketemu terus ngomong sama Lukas Podolski men!! Kenalan, kenalan ga jelas gitu. Terus kenalan sama Bastian Schewinsteiger (muahaha net) wauhauhauha anjrit mimpi gua gila abis, sori kalau namanya tidak familiar. Biasa lah..gua lagi gila bola nih :-D Oh iya, tadi gua ke concertnya Diana Krall, tadinya gua ngga mau ikut tapi disuruh jadi ya ikut aja. Ngantuk abis men, tadi malem nonton bola lg sampe jam stgh 2 terus bangunnya rada pagian (ngga juga sih jam 10an gt) jadinya sekarang ngantuk abis gitu. Wehehe font gua top abis. Bold bold violet violet gitu *_*--mata berkunang-kunang-- hwehwe eksperimen lah kalo warnanya gitu-gitu doang ngga seru kan. Hmmm apa ya yg lg serua akhir-akhir ini ngga tau deh lah. tapi hari ini gua merencanakan mau tidur super super late, pengen nyelsein novel-novel, browsing2 dan nonton tv sampe mata gua kelipet hehehe lebay. Terus tadi gua ke ak'sara Pacific Place, tadinya mo nyari Unforgettable nya It Girl (seru ternyata) tapi ternyata disana ngga ada yg kyk novel-novel semacamnya gt, terus gua baru nyadar novel-novelnya aksara tuh murah tapi barang-barangnya mahal-mahal abis. Masa journal kecil gitu harganya 300rb -___-. bagus sih cuman kan harusnya ngga semahal itu men. yaudah deh byebye
Saturday, October 4, 2008 4:18:00 PM
dream on Recommended movie(s) for me: 1. Laskar Pelangi 2. Rescue Dawn 3. Awake Not-so-good movie(s) for me: 1. Bangkok Dangerous 2. I Know Who Killed Me (dedicated as the worst horror movie and the worst actress which is Lindsay Lohan in US) Next recommended movie(s) for me: 1. Eagle Eye 2. Wild Child 3. Saw 5 (haha kidding) Today's Permier League soccer match (unnecessary :-D): 1. Blackburn vs Man Utd 2. Sunderland vs Arsenal 3. West Brom vs Fulham 4. Wigan vs Middlesbrough Huehuehue I'm leisurelly wrote this, just for fun. I've got nothing to do. Eh, kayaknya pas Juni lalu otak gua udah dicuci sama Lukas Podolski (jangan bosen ya denger namanya terus), kalo belom pernah liat dan penasaran refresh page ini, terus liat aja di home nya blog gua, atau lebih rinci lagi di Google tuh banyak banget, kalo perlu Wikipedia hehehe promosi sekalian. Iya, waktu Juni kemarin tuh gua sampe nyari-nyari merchandisenya si Lukas ini men, sampe gua nyari-nyari websitenya. . terus ketemu! Sampe gua catetin di note gua gitu. Tapi bukan dari indonesia lah, gua udah sok sok nyatet aja. Gua nemu baseball cap, t-shirt, poster sampe scarf (mygod) terus totalnya semua 39 euro -___-" sok online shopping gitu dehhh. Tapi gara-gara udah yakin kagak bakal kesampean akhirnya diundur sampe hari ini. Iye leh ya nyokap gua bisa bilang apa ngabisin. . kira-kira 500,000-600,000 rupiah buat beli itu. Hahaha mimpi aja deh gua T_T. Belum ongkos ngirim pake pesawatnya--ceilaah keren abis men dari Jerman langsung cuiii (kan dia orang Jerman)..ngarep Tapi awas aja nih, kalo Adidas ato Nike ngeluarin baju jerman terus ada nama dianya, gua langsung beli serius. .haha Neta nih curang. Well, I'm just passing by my computer after eating a super delicious home-made ayam goreng. Enaknya men :--D So see ya
Friday, October 3, 2008 8:02:00 PM
crazeh I've been searching for a new great skin for my blog. I found like a bunch but choose this one. I don't know but the colours are nice and . . unsual. Haha, I don't know lah. Shit abis deh internet gua leletnya paraaaaah -_-" I knew it terang-terangan, it's been like 3-4 times I'm uninstalled The Sims 2 in the past 2 years and last week I installed it again taken over than 1,000,000 kb of my local disc. Huahua ngk papa deh Tsk tsk, i just realized that I was a bit crazy in photoboothing. . well not exactly photo booth as in Mac. um, say it like webcaming. Haha I got this webcam back then on my 14th birthday. . wuauha it's worth it. Shock deh lu kalo ngeliat shot-shot terakhir gua yg gila ini. Gua aja baru nyadar gua se najis ini ...embarassing but still cool (Y) Masih banyak banget yang memalukan, tapi malu lah :-p, tapi akhir-akhir ini komputer gua suka ngadet sih kalo mau foto-foto gitu, sayang sekali T_T tapi gapapa free kalo mo minta, siapa tau kalo lu pada lagi sedih bisa minta send in foto ini. hehuehue JAYUS gila Btwbtwbtw, masa gua missed Saw 4 taun 2007 lalu, bukannya kelewat tapi gua ngga tau gitu tiba-tiba tahun ini udah Saw 5 aja. Beberapa bulan lalu gua cek di ITC (hehehe) ada DVD nya cuman katanya masih jelek gitu. Lah terus udah lama gitu gua cek. . -- gua ceknya di wikipedia loh) Saw 5 udah mau keluar tahun ini, dan 2009 nanti ada Saw 6. Anjrit napsu abis yang bikin..belom puas aja tortured people dengan cara yang tidak 'lazim'. Huahua tapi gua dari dulu suka filmnya, abisnya thriller-thriller nyeremin gitu. Challenging enough (Y). Tapi kayaknya Saw 456 ngga bakal keluar di indonesia, iya lah ya terlalu sadis. Jadi ya bajakan aja lah Lately reading: It Girl (cool!) Lately playing: The Sims 2 Lately wanting to. . .buy new handphone; the sims 2 other games; Saw 4,5&..6!; The Sims 3 (2009) Aaaa bosen, main the sims 2 aja deh ya. HUEHUE, Byebye
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 1:21:00 AM
midnight=soccer games Well, at last I'm posting a new post. It's been a while. .thought so. I'm kind of sleepy right now but I'm not gonna sleep eventhough I must wake up earlier for Ied pray later. Haha. Lately I've been thinking of changing my attitude(s), I have a feeling that something is wrong inside me. Like, I have many of wrong or bad attitudes/behaviours that resulted someone else might not like or hate me by those crap. At least I realized in now, wuehehe. I don't know if I have any mistakes or I did something bad for any of my family or friends so please apologize me for that :-D seriously. And yeah, today is Lebaran day. The day of forgiving plus apologizing by saying Minal Aidin Wal Faizin! Sorry if there's any misspelling or something. Btw, there will be football match of Bayern Munchen (my fav football club from Germany :-D) v.s I forgot the name at 1:45. which means 15 minutes from now. Haha. Gotta go for it; have a pleasant holiday and Lebaran! Byebye |
profile BIO Hey there, fellas. Um, you can call me rani for the nick name. I'm 16 now and living as a normal teenager. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I read novels&comics. I love to watch soccer games <3 FURTHER INFO AROUND THE WORLD Archieve May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 February 2010 June 2010 August 2010 Pals Alika Anti Cindy Dira Ega Ica Janice Jennifer Jovan Laras Maira Mita Naila Neta Tewe Udel Credits Other blahblahblah |
Thanksss <3 |