Monday, September 15, 2008 7:48:00 PM
what's the point of fasting if it's just made us starving and thirsty?? haha i have to admit that from the beginning of this ramadhan month, i didn't get the meaning/point of fasting (for my self). maybe yeah i changed A BIT of my attitude, but still i keep mentioning several ' unappropriate words. ckckck sometimes i skipped prays and so on, so i promise to myself to not skip it the other day, which means tomorrow... aaa i don't have any interesting topic to post on currently -__- ah! i just thinking about something that irritates me a lot..at school. uh apalagi kalau bukan si peep--as you know who--yeah i cannot spill out the whole things here but...yeah i hate peep. lagian big feeling (translate it to bahasa..haha) banget sih. ckck ewewew hm, i have to wait until 11th of october to watch the World Cup qualifier of Germany vs. Russia. woohoo i support germany ofcourse. God, alex pettyfer is sooo hot. i think about 2-3 weeks ago, i found his unofficial website with over 2000 photos of him. aaaa but i didn't save all of them, maybe 100-200 photos or less maybe i don't know. dan kmrn gua iseng ke VideoEzy minjem Stormbreaker soalnya emg pertama2nya blm gua tonton, dikit doang sih tp kan sayang kalo ga di tonton semua :-DD okay, i'm out of topics right now. see ya
Friday, September 12, 2008 1:45:00 PM
AT LAST *o* omygod omygod i just saw lukas podolski on tv!!! whoa seneng men at last i saw him playing after Euro 2008. what i saw today is the Qualifier for World Cup 2010 against Finland but end up draw 3-3. terus benci abis gua nonton pas menit ke 80-an :""( terus podolskinya di zoom cuman sekali. ckckck sayang bgt meeeeen tp dia ga nge gol-in sih tp at least gua udh liat. wuhauha senang abis cuiiii. wa long time i didn't browse his name in Google/Youtube. oke deh. see ya
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 4:42:00 PM
today is the second day for the fasting month/ramadhan day, fortunately i can get used to it but yeah...my too-fast-to-get-hungry self sometimes can't controlled them self. haha ngomongin apa sih gua -___- bosen nih. oh no minggu depan term test!!! waa science. i'm dead...math gua udh lumayan ngerti sih walaupun suka lupa2 dikit gt HEHEHE. i'm fasting today and i still can't controlled my emotion. wahuahuhaua neta nih yg suka warned gua, habis dikit2 gua suka ngmng peep, dikit2 PEEP, dikit2 lagi peeeeep peeeep. yaaa something like that. honestly, i'm not really hungry now. my mom said that she'll be like so starving at 10 am-11am, but i'm gonna living death when it was 8 am or 9 am...hmm it's about 3-4 hours after saur. ckckck bodo ah. jam 2 siang keatas gua udh biasa2 aja. and hey, i just bought a bracelet that are same with naila and ica. errr it was naila's idea, i think. haha. wah seneng nih gua nanti buat buka puasanya...gurame goreng!! MUAHAHA, enak tuh. another 1 hour, whoa times ran so fast. gotta go! BYEBYE |
profile BIO Hey there, fellas. Um, you can call me rani for the nick name. I'm 16 now and living as a normal teenager. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I read novels&comics. I love to watch soccer games <3 FURTHER INFO AROUND THE WORLD Archieve May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 February 2010 June 2010 August 2010 Pals Alika Anti Cindy Dira Ega Ica Janice Jennifer Jovan Laras Maira Mita Naila Neta Tewe Udel Credits Other blahblahblah |
Thanksss <3 |