Wednesday, May 28, 2008 3:30:00 PM
i found a good layout a week ago and i really really want to edit my blog....but it's not work, though. dont know why, but my friend said it will be work after a couple months after you made your blog. haha it's almost 1 month, though. argh tomorrow's exam is math AND religion...religion gua udh bikin review lah gampang. math? buju gile gua blm belajar. gua nggk bisa belajar sblm nyokap gua dateng nih lama bgt. yeah i'm not going to go to school on friday because i'm not join the chinese course at my school. hahaha relax....yeay i cannot wait for monday=drama. haha but it makes me nerveous, too. blah i'm out of idea BYE
Sunday, May 25, 2008 6:28:00 PM
passing by omyGod, i can't memorize all these world-war-2-and-others thingy. aargh i hope i can do it tomorrow and get PERFECT score! muahahahahahahahaha i gotta memorize operation overlord now see ya
Friday, May 23, 2008 9:48:00 PM
exam! aw shit abis bntr lagi exam. ya lu tau lah gua malesnya kayak apa kalo udh ngapal2 gitu. mana hari pertama inthum lagi, nyokap gua nyuruh gua belajar hari ini coba, tapi gua blg aja besok gara2 hari ini kan kyk hari terakhir gua santai2 gt jadi gua hura2 gt dewch hari ini (lebayyy-.-) yap i'm here infront of my computer and ofcourse in my lovely room, without checking my friendster or people ol in Msn. just facebook and blog :-) and without skype also. urgh i really want to buy a webcam and a NEW microphone, so i can use my skype to doin' webcam. today i guess it's really fun. but bad thoughts always keep staying in my mind, about teachers or yeah things around my school...even about my friends. beh ran jgn begitu lah...sadarkan dirimu! udah2 males gua. noooo exam is coming and i'm really sure that i can't get good marks for MATH or science. but i hope i can get above 8 (you wish...). hahhaha optimis lah raaan bisa kok bisa...ooo mmm ooo hahaha btw i'm gonna miss 8A a lot, a few more days nih, hahaha 8A, 8A. not bad lah eventhough yeah you know. aaa nggk sabar nih rehearsal drama, seru abis pasti. ngmng2 jadwal exam gua gua nggk tau terakhir taro mana. tai malesin abis.....sedih nggk sih bntr lagi kita yr.9! perasaan baru kmrn gt gua masuk 8A, HAHAHAHA ran. i went to a LOT of events that i WILL never forget :'-) hahahaha. btw my birthday is almost coming. 18th June! Ckckckck udh ulang tahun aja gua. dan oke gua laper bgt. ya lu tau lah gua dikit2 laper, dah tentunya gua bukan cacingan org smthng. tai tuh siapa ya yg ngatain gua waktu itu, sialan. Jadi begini nih, gua ceritain aja deh alesan kenape gua kurus walaupun makannya udh kyk org nggk makan 5 taun (LEBAYYYY), jadi sistem pencernaan gua kyk bermasalah gt. biasanya org kan makan menyerap gizi dari makanan tersebut kan 100%, kalo badan gua cuman nyerep 20% ato 40% gitu. hahahah tai abis.... hey you don't have to miss me like that because i gotta go now. hahaha kidding, see ya! & Good luck for the exam, guys.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 4:02:00 PM
hey. it's quite boring in here, no one online in msn...nah, i mean a few of them are ol, but yeah you know, i'm not too interesting to ol now. don't know why -__-" hahahaha actually i know what's the reason, but should i tell about it here?. zzzzz garing deh ran. btw sorry for my bad english/grammar/whtvr, as i said before...speak english!!! although i never use it beside this blog-thing. hmm my friend anti bought a novel named Flawless, it's the second novel of Pretty Little Liars. the cover is nice, it's like a picture of doll that looks like barbie i think and in the back cover, there's a girl that looks like the doll but in human-look or whatever is that. haha i bet you don't understand what i mean. i know that "dont judge the book by it's cover". but i'm interesting with that book and bought it last saturday (i think) and it's worth it. the novel is awesome and i'm really curious with the ending. hahaha aaa my english sucks..... hahaha udh lah ran nggk ush sok pinter bahasa inggris kalo nggk bisa (ngaku). yaudahlah bahasa indonesia is the best, bahasa daerahnya juga...zzzz iyain aja ran biar cepet. hari ini cukup seru gitu...ah rafael nih babi, apaan sih sok sok ngasih breach pdhl cuman bawa kertas selain pelajaran math gt. tapi itu bukan kertas pelajaran lain melainkan kertas biasa gt gua mo gambar2. apaan sih -__- mati aja lu. btw finally term 4 ini tadi pas homeroom 8A foto kelas gt bwahahaha. foto pake macnya si jesslyn -_- tapi cuman dikit. karena nggk cukup pake kameranya si ega. ckckckck....oiya since the first time i made this blog, i'd never introduce myself, ya? ckck. oke my name is rani, sure you know that (mata mengkilat cling cling cling dengan tangan mengacungkan metal). i'm 13 now, another 1 month before my 14th birthday! i'm an ordinary year-8-student and sure i (try) to enjoy my life. yeahhh cihui. njrit nape lu rannn. hmmm, i can be as silent as i can and i can be so talkative and make a lot of joke. i still don't know what people think about me. hey btw, last tuesday/wednesday (i forgot when), several 8A people took a photo for drama performance that is Commedia del'Arte. and these are some of it: Hanna as Il Capitano, me as Fabian, Cindy as Cantarina and Laras as Columbina. haha i know i looked so horrible -_- but who cares anyway. zzzz krik krik...okidoki see you, peepz. BYE!
Monday, May 19, 2008 5:15:00 PM
unwanted enough? ola! long time no see, peeps. hahaha guess what, the black-list person was...ya you know. maybe all my friend (especially) in yr.8 know what i mean. yeah most of us didn't want (or even don't care) about this person. ya...secara gua orangnya SOPAN, gua nggk mau nyeritain panjang lebar ato apa lah talk about it in here (udah sebaik apa coba gua)....just waisting my time, you know. okay, today is....not really a good day for me, ya you know what's the reason. actually it's fine but based on one source, this person just act like argh so freakin' annoying. the way she talked&acted just remembering me about that time. shitttttttt malesin abis nggk sih. udah ah males gua. several friends of mine just act normal to this person but yeahh i know what's inside their mind, yayaya like i care. okay, no hard feelings but sorry to share this to everyone about your bad behaviour or habit or whtvr in my post. or...i'm not suppose to say sorry? ha-ha-ha. okay i know it's not nice to talk about someone and post it in blog, but...at least (some of) you don't know who this person is :-) ahahahaha but trust me if you meet this person, and make a friend with this person, you'll know lah. eh tai ya gua jadi keterusan -____-" aaaaa nggk peduli lah. yes besok libur, libur waisak kalo nggk salah. tp besok pelajarannya lmyn seru sih, ada religion ckck bodo ah, jazzballet jg plg libur amin deh. 2minggu kgk masuk miss ati yg ada kangen kali sm gua...haha jijik. lagi minta ganti baju ditemenin, ngasih tau gaya dancenya kagak pernah, kalo kita lupa gayanya diem doang. misterius...udh2 kasian ah. secara gua baik gt nggk mungkin ngomongin org gitu ya, mmm oo mmmmm (ya nggk cin). udh ye, i want to spend my day infront of computer but i have to end up this post. ADIOS!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 10:24:00 PM
random! haha after a long-long-long time finally i attended my piano lesson -__- bodo ah les apaan coba tuh kurang kerjaan. btw i can't wait for drama tomorrow, it's gonna be so fun. you know my character in drama is a man! so my drama task is to perform a canovaccio in Commedia del'Arte (a popural form of improvisational theatre from Italy), and me and 3 of my friends will perform it tomorrow, but it's not the exactly performance day so it's just like rehearsal, maybe. I act as a lover name Fabian =.=" my costume.............haha you don't have to know. it's not embarassing or something but....yayayaya idk. btw hello to hwa chong boys. tai nggk jelas abis gua. oke dah gua males, gua abis belajar math dong sm nyokap gua, gila nyokap gua sampe kribo. gile gua gila belajar math, stress duluan liat soalnya kali. udah ah gua laper to the maxmaxmaxmax. BYE!
Saturday, May 10, 2008 10:59:00 AM
fsf3ghsi@tgb#fap6bgspbg good morning everyone! hmmm it's odd for me to wake up in the morning at 9 o'clock at weekends hahaha biasanya gua kalo bangun gitu kan jam 11-12an kalo sabtu ato nggak minggu. hahaha kebo emg :-) eh kyknya gua nggk bisa ngisi banyak2 soalnya gua nggk pny waktu (yeah sok sibuk....) gile supir gua mana ya, skrg sih lagi nungguin adek gua les menggambar apa lah itu, trs selsenya nggk tau deh kapan. trs abis itu gua mesti ke sency, hehehehe. hey btw i have to take a bath now. later i will continue this post. bye <3 i just got home at 7 pm and now i just realize that i have to continue this post...so here it goes! now is 23:58 pm. let me continue this post before sunday is come. hahaha hari ini gua ke rumah naila gt sblmnya ke sency dulu bertemu naila dan keluarga...hahaha udah kan beli eskrim disana trs cabs (cabut...) ke rumah naila di rawamangun. yeah abis lngsng main pokemon gt di komputer trs yayayaya gt seru lah haha paling yoi pas foto haha masukin fs nanti lah entar gampang2. dan tau kan gua ceroboh bgt eh hp gua ketinggalan gt di rumah dia kan bener. maap ya merepotkan :-) oiya chicken nugget CHAMP lu enak abis nai hahahaha bener deh kata lu. trs gua pulang kan jam 6 kurang ato lebih gt lupa trs di mobil gua tidur -_-" nyampe rumah gua nonton 1,5 jam gt trs diajak jalan2 gt muter2 jakarta...biasa lah kurang kerjaan tuh bokap gua sampe ke bintaro juga gt ckck tadinya mo makan tapi adek gua kyk ngantuk2 gt jadi pas nyampe rumah suruh delivery mcd HAHAHAHA. capek abis abis gua -_____- mana besok mesti bangun pagi lagi ah tai tai tai. maybe it's better for me to take a sleep now. adios!
Thursday, May 8, 2008 7:57:00 PM
another sushi groove hello! today is friday and it is a free dress day for binus. haha i bet you all knew it hmmm tadi pas PE kan rugby...beh gile gak nyantai semua mainnya (termasuk gua...), gua ditiban maira lah kanin lah -___- no offense dah. tp kan gua lg pilek&batuk parah gt trs gua jadi bengek gt mo muntah zzz eh iya hari ini kan kyk dimulai lagi gt kan detention2 gak jelas kalo breaches (bener kan tulisannya -.-)nya lebih dari tiga misalnya homework tiga....tai bgt gak sih. tapi tadi gua gak ikut sih tp yr.8 lmyn banyak yg dapet, hahaha namanya jg angkatan 4. hahaha eh eh tadi terakhir pas literacy, njrit si terrence bknnya ngajarin literature gt malah ngerjelasin 666, angka setan, son of sin wdf gt gile gua bosen to the max, mana si naila tidur lagi -_-" wehehehe damai nai...pulangnya ya seperti biasa lah. oke gua gak mau pake hoodie yg gua pake hari ini yg gambar umbrella2 gt soalnya panas abis gt jadinya. btw my drama quiz is..not bad lah wahahaha :---) eh eh masa tadi pas pelajaran drama gua salah masuk kelas coba! kan kelas drama yg harusnya di lt.4 kan pindah jadi di lt.7, jadi ceritanya gua mau ke kamar mandi gt. trs udah kan, di kmr mandi gua nemu hp-nya jesslyn (8a) gt kyknya punya dia kan jadi gua bawa keluar sambil ngeliatin hpnya kan kyk makesure2 gt itu pny dia apa bukan. trs yaudah gua jalan trs gua buka pintu tuh, gua lngsung ngangkat hpnya trs ngomong "Jesslyn!!" eh TAUNYA, itu bukan kelas gua! taunya kyknya kelasnya sir zaidan trs anak2nya anak kelas 7 gt. gua malunya udh kyk apa udh pgn beli topeng 20 lapis. zaidan udh blg "eh eh eh ngapain kamu?" gua lngsng aja blg "eh salah!" trs gua lngsng kabur. hahahaha bego abis gak sih gua -_- hmm when i got home, suddenly my mom told me that she invited me to join her in PIM 2. haha pas bgt gua lagi laper gt jadinya gua kesana kan, when i got there i went straight to Sushi Groove krn laper bgt gt...mesti tau gua makan 4 makanan gt, dan nyokap gua kyk lg puasa2 gt jadi gak bisa bantuin gua makan, jadinya ya gua makan banyak bgt gt -___- ya yang udah gua bilang gua kalo makan kan...banyak. hahaha, eh ngmng2 cerpen bahasa gua gimana ya, cerpen yg udah gua bikin capek-capek sampe malem, trs kan terakhir2nya gua kehabisan ide trs ya agak2 maksa2 dikit, trs gua udh putus asa gt trs besoknya dikumpulin kan, sblmnya laras kyk minjem gt. eh tapi katanya endingnya sweet2 hahaha thanks ras for your compliment wehehe. ckck harusnya gua mau upload foto hoax gua buat IT project tapi udah capek2 gua upload eh ke delete lg trs yaudah gua kesel jadi males. hahaha sorry i'm too busy yesterday and i can't write any post. lalala semoga gua besok bisa ke rumah naila deh dan semoga di bolehin. gua bilang aja lah ya mo belajar buat exam biar dibolehin. kesel pasti nanti bokap gua blg "bntr lg exam kamu harus belajar yg rajin gak boleh pergi2" haha tai. kalo gak boleh ya paling ke PIM lagi, semoga anti ke pim gile aja gua busuk--apel kali busuk...--di rumah. kan minggu ini gua blm kmn2 juga kan semoga boleh deh. anyway, hmm thank God the monopoly game that i bought like about 2 weeks ago just worth it, kira gua gak seru gitu eh taunya seru, soalnya lmyn mahal sih -_- trs kan pas itu juga gua beli tamagotchi (HAHAHAHA seru tau) gt kyk seru2 gt bikin keluarga trs grow them sampe gede gt eh taunya kan gua sibuk bgt pas beberapa hari setelah itu, udah capek2 ngasih makan lah ngajak mereka main eh taunya mati. kesel bgt gua >:-( abis itu gua kacangin aja tuh makhluk2 gak jelas -.-" ck gua bosen abis kering gua lama2. eh i just skipped my piano lesson again yesteryday. yeah abis gak sih udah sebulan gua gak les piano dgn berbagai alasan muahahaha screw you piano lesson. btw itu harinya salah harusnya friday, 9 may 2008. gak tau mungkin lg rusak sip. bye <3
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 10:31:00 PM
you get away from..........here. (apa? salah? emg gua peduli) cui cai cui gua bosen. tai cerpen bahasa gua pas tengah-tengah gua blank abis gak tau ceritanya gimana lagi, bete gua -_- mana ceritanya boring lagi tau ah. oke gua bosen banget. hahaha hari ini gua gak ngapain2 gt gak seru terus besok MUNGKIN makan gt sm 8A. hahaha kyknya gak mungkin semua 8A juga kali ya ahha tau kan 8A kyk gimana ckck. i hate someone TODAY, and this 'someone' is quite obvious for us especially yr.8...haha sorry to say dah ckckck tuh title-nya liat aja wahaha jgn gr ya bukan lu lu pada kok WEHEHEH wets tadi gua kan foto buat ID Card wadehel gt njrit yg moto jayusnya to the pol abis gt "yang tegak posisinya ya tapi santai-santaian aja gt. yak yak satu, dua, ti...........ga!" mana gara-gara itu senyum gua maksa gt lg ckckck fak. wahahaha anyway, maybe i'll try to post at least 1 blog everyday...ya kalo bosen kan bisa gt nulis-nulis hahaha njrit bahasa gua sok santai. bosen to the max. sip dah ya gua males -___________-" so, see you soon.
Monday, May 5, 2008 9:19:00 PM
5th of may. Hahaha 5 mei. mungkin sebagian dr lu pada udah tau ya kira-kira tgl 5 mei tahun lalu ada apa, tapi gua juga gak peduli sampe skrg. since that day, gua denger gosip gt "wah rani suka ___" lah apa lah, and because of that i just realize that that's the silliest thing i've ever done. sms-smsnya jg udah tau gak dipeduliin dan karena emg gua udah gak peduli juga. mungkin kadang gua masih nyariin dia ya, tapi itu juga karena kebiasaan kali padahal dalem hati juga gua gak suka kesannya sok nyari-nyariin....serius, maaf deh sblmnya gua tau gua gak sopan gt ngomongnya, tapi emg gua jujur. sbnrnya gua sama dia masih suka-suka aja tp ya....gak kyk dulu gt. HAHAHA kalo ketawa ketawa aja kalo nyadar orgnya juga yaudah. kadang gua juga suka mikir sih waktu jamannya pas 2007 gt, sok sok shocking ngeliat dia ol di msn lah ato apa lah, skrg dia ol pun gua biasa aja dan i'm not interested to start a conversation. hahaha tapi nggk tau for the next day or month, jgn sampe deh soalnya gua lagi gak minat. trs yg paling menghabiskan duit (gak sih cuman Rp.35,000,-) gua telah membeli gantungan kunci gt hahaha tai aib abis. lmyn mahal kali buat gantungan kunci harganya segitu coba, wahhh. keychain-nya ya...gt deh. gpp lah gua sebarin deh satu dunia di blog ini abisnya ujung-ujungnya pasti juga pada tau dan emg kyknya udh pd tau. i bought it at one of my friend's (Ica) birthday. haha fak. tahun 2008...nothing special. haha ada lah tp gua gak peduli skrg. gua di sekolah emg sih masih sok sok nyariin gt padahal kalo ketemu jg gak ngapa2in. buju gile gua gak nyangka gua tulis di blog tapi bodo ah namanya juga org jujur disayang Tuhan....njrit rani. trs orgnya juga lama2 berubah gt dr tahun 2007 sampe 2008, sometimes gua peduli dan suka mikir gt ttg sifatnya, tapi lama-lama toh itu bukan hidup gua ini kan, hidup dia ya hidup dia. terserah deh dia mo ngapain skrg....but obviously, gua masih suka HAHAHAHA fak fak apa kata lu dah mo bilang apa. but, 5 may not only means that day. 5 may means a lot of things like...today is my cousin's birhtday. Happy birthday, then. or something else i don't know yet. hm i think my bathroom already available -_-" and now i'm gonna take a shower. haha bodo ah malem2 kan tumben2an tuh gua rajin. it's never easy to say goodbye. bye!
4:26:00 PM
be cool, speak english in school zzz i know that title is kinda' boring for us. btw that's one of my school's motto or whatever you say. one of my friend said that we must speak english everyday, although we're not good at it...like me for example hahahah sok merendahkan diri abis -____- today's quite fun. nothing important to tell. anyway, me and several 8A people ordered Mcd (by delivery service) at lunch today but unfortunately i just ordered 1 french fries and milo! oh i feel so stupid remembering that because that time i felt so starved...you know i'm not eat anything at recess -_- so we looked at the time and realized that we're late to came to rafael's class that is math. but we don't care about it, anyway bahahahhaa screw rafael. nothing special today. tai laper bgt gua (udah lah ngomong bhs indonesia ribet gua -_-) tapi tadi gua sempet beli tahu wakakak di perjalanan pulang sekolah zzz gua gak niat sekolah nih njrit gua hari ini nggk mau belajar karena males. mana bagusnya drama malesin abis lg, seru sih cuman malesin abis suruh bawa props ato costumes apa lah wadefak abis aaaa mana peran gua jadi cowok lg tai =.= wehehehe i feel enthusiastic when i write something in my blog woohoo norak abis gak sih. oh iya besok foto lg buat ID Card dan gua blm keramas skrg. gua haru keramaaaaaas tai rambut udh kyk apa, haha -_- k, it's time for me to EAT! see ya. Labels: school day
Sunday, May 4, 2008 10:14:00 PM
my very first blog :-) hola it's rani! -___-" wets gak tau ada ide apa tiba-tiba gua bikin blog. ckck! padahal dulu nggk ada keinginan sama sekali gt bikin blog. mungkin gara-gara tadi gua baca kambingjantan (tau kan) gitu kayak buku blog karangan raditya dika gt yang dipublikasikan gt dijadiin buku -_- haha apa sih gua gak nyambung abis. hm yeap today is Sunday, nggk tau kenapa hari ini kyk seru-seru gt tadi gua sama kakak-adek dan nyokap gua main monopoli (beh) bareng gt sampe berantem tapi seru seru gt hahahaha ceritanya monopolinya baru beli gt deh lngsng dimainin ckck. tai bosen abis gua. oh iya kmrn gua ke pim sm temen, terus ya biasa lah jalan2 gt trs bbrp anak yr.8 sm yr.11 perform dance gt di acara BNI kalo gak salah di pim 2 hahaha selamat deh. trs....ya gitu nanti aja gua ceritain kapan2 kalo sempet haha soalnya there;s something lah :-x yeah sok misterius. oiya tadi malem gua mimpi gak jelas abis masa lagi main di rumput terus tiba2 digigit uler gt yaampun dosa apa gua Tuhan??????, yak gak nyantai bgt. btw i have a unique information about myself, jadi gua orgnya cepet laper gt ckck trs kalo makan banyak banget2an gt jadi maaf aja ya kalo gua makan sama lu pada makannya rakus WAHAHAAHHA (evil laugh). canda kali cui. tenang aja misalnya lu beli makanan paling gua cuman bagi setengah...gak lah percaya aja. njrit jayusnya nggk kira2 -.-" besok....senin -.- tai lah semoga gak ada pr soalnya drtd gua main terus sampe gak sempet ol di msn set brb trs hahaha gak penting abis gak sih ckck.....eh ternyata seru jg ya bikin blog. terserah emg gua udik gmn, gak lah. zzz fak sialan nyokap gua udh suruh gua tidur....yaudah bye dont miss me -_-" see you soon. Labels: bored |
profile BIO Hey there, fellas. Um, you can call me rani for the nick name. I'm 16 now and living as a normal teenager. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I read novels&comics. I love to watch soccer games <3 FURTHER INFO AROUND THE WORLD Archieve May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 February 2010 June 2010 August 2010 Pals Alika Anti Cindy Dira Ega Ica Janice Jennifer Jovan Laras Maira Mita Naila Neta Tewe Udel Credits Other blahblahblah |
Thanksss <3 |